Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It's hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us.  We are almost a month away from the Tulsa Shootout.  We recently sold my car from last year and now we are scrambling to get a car done for Tulsa.  I actually just started on another one a few days ago.  I am using an old FOZ chassis that came in on trade on a new G2.  The good Lord willing, I am hoping to run it at Tulsa and DuQuion before turning it into our rental car for the 2011 season. 

I have had the week off of work which has given me time to at get started on it.  So far we have put the floor pan and motor plate in, bolted the seat in and assembled most of the front and rear axles.  Now we are waiting for additional parts to come in before going back to work.

Here is the start of the car I plan on running out in Tulsa.  Plenty to get done!
Activity has started to pick back up at the shop and we've got plenty of used cars in stock to choose from.  We've got everything from a race ready 1999 Henchcraft that can be purchased for $3,800 to a pristine FOZ Race Car with only seven races on it with a fresh Yamaha R1 on board for around $12,000.  All in all we've got six really nice used cars in stock.  If you're considering getting started a trip to the shop is probably worthwhile.  It is probably one of the few places where you can get a good look at cars from several different manufacturers at several different price ranges.

We have a shop full of used racing cars.  We have cars from most of the different manufacturers and cars that should meet most budgets.  If you are interested in stopping by to look, call 513.874.2034.

My time off has also provided the opportunity to make some changes to the website.  We are working hard to make the site a tool to develop the mini sprint / lightning sprint community.  Our most recent changes include the creation of a message board/forum and changes to our News and Results section.  I've had several people ask if I know anybody with room in their trailer for another car to make the trip to Tulsa.  I thought the message board might provide a good opportunity to match folks up.  The News and Results sections have actually been setup to make it quicker and easier for the owners of the associations and tracks that support mini sprint / lightning sprint racing to post their news and results.  I am hoping that this new tool will reduce the time required to post significantly.  Posting is basically as easy as sending an e-mail.  I would encourage the owner / managers of any of the tracks or organizations to contact me if they are interested.  

I took time off yesterday to take my girls down to Earlywine's near Maysville Kentucky to do a little motorcycle riding.  Its a pretty neat place.  It is a great big tent/building that houses an indoor motorcross track.  I am sure it is an expensive building, but it would be really neat to have a place like that were you could run mini sprints locally during the winter.  The girls had a great time chasing around the track--eventhough it was cold and miserable outside.

One of the big news items coming out of the recent Midwest Mini Sprint banquet was an announcement that the series would be hosting at least five non winged mini sprint events during the 2011 season.  So far all of the events will take place at Brownstown Speedway.  I ran at the track once this season and really like it a lot.  I think having these non winged events should really help the sport continue to grow.  I know that there are several people who have indicated they would be more inclined to get involved if they had the option of running non-winged. 

We've opened back up the Motor Mart.  The Motor Mart allows an e-mail to be sent to several shops at once regarding requests for engines.  It is another service that we hope will make a stop on every racers web search.  CLICK HERE to visit the Motor Mart.

I recently ran into mini sprint racer, Jeremy Perdue during my lunch hour.  Jeremy just opened a new Jimmy Johns sandwich shop.  It is located in the Bridgewater Falls shopping complex about half way between Cincinnati and Dayton.  From the looks of things that day things are going extremely well.  Jeremy is building a new car for the 2011 season and says that he is working hard to get the new location running well so he'll have time to race.  If you're in the area stop by and see Jeremy--they make a great sandwich.

We're going live from Tulsa.  We have been working hard to lay in the infrastructure on the website so that we can go live from the Tulsa Shootout.  If all goes well (and we have decent Internet access) we hope to provide reports from the event.  We are actually hoping to set several people up so that they can provide reports from the event.  We'll keep you posted as we get closer.

I'll try to keep posting photos as we put the car together that we are planning on running at Tulsa.  I am also working on a couple of really cool new products that should be unveiled in the next month.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving.