Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I was disappointed to hear that there was a poor car count in Florida.  I heard second hand that there was somewhere between 9-12 cars in attendance.  I know that a lot of hard work went into putting the event together.  It is hard to say if car count was a lingering effect of the economy or if there were just too many choices this winter.  Not that I have much room to talk since I didn't make any of the winter events this year...not intentional just the way it worked out.  I know that the trip to Tulsa was a very big financial comittment for those who went.  I know for me it would have been tough to make two trips like that in one winter.  I did notice that apparently Casey Shuman made some laps in a mini sprint.  Would love to get in touch with him and see what he thought.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Looking to get started?

If you are looking to get started in mini sprint racing, here is a great car to do it in.  This is a Doemelt Chassis with a CBR 1000cc engine in it.  Nice looking car and a great deal for the price.  More information and better photos available at http://www.speedpartz.com/used_doemelt55.htm

Another New FOZ Race Car

Just stopped by Speed Partz and snapped a picture of this new FOZ Race Cars G2 that is going together.  It has a Yamaha R1 nestled into it and should be on the ground pretty soon.  It is turning out to be a really nice piece.  Seems like things are really picking up across the country for the mini sprints.  A couple more are going out to Kansas this weekend and their are two more coming off the jigs headed for Indiana in the next few weeks.  Was doing some work on the upcoming preview issue of Mini Sprint Racer for 2011.  Looks like right now their are 44 events in the Midwest for the mini sprints, on 28 different dates.  It sounds as if there are a few more dates that might happen also.  There seems to be a lot of interest around some non-wing events too.  Hopefully it is a good season.

Cool Stickers

Here is an item that we've started producing that is cheap, but has recieved a lot of comments.  We call them idiot stickers, but a lot of people have told us that it really dresses the cockpit of a race car out very nicely.  Unlike the actual panels that many people sell, these are just stickers that you place right on the cowling.  Best of all, unlike the expensive pre-made panels these switch labels can be placed whereever you would like and are only $12.95 for a pack.  They can be ordered through Speed Partz.  Here is the link:  http://www.speedpartz.com/panelpak.htm

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shop work

We have been pretty busy in the shop with several builds going on. The R1s
sure seem to be popular this year particularly the 09.

Rob Winks seems to be lined up with some pretty good sources and says he
has been selling quite a few of them. He feels that we will probably see
prices on the upswing just based upon availability. The downturn in sales
in the sportbike market the past few years has meant fewer crashed bikes
and ultimately salvaged motors.

This sure has been a hard winter. Really makes you long for the sun and the
chance to go racing. I am not sure who all is headed to Florida. I talked
to Drew Dorsett at the recent Circle Track Expo in Indy and he indicated
that he was planning on making the trip.

I always enjoy seeing which open wheelers are making the move up into the
stock cars. Two names I recognized in this Saturday's ARCA race are recent
Chili Bowl winner Kevin Swindell and Dakota Armstrong. Best luck to both.

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Shop work

Shop work

Trip to the V-Twin Show

Made a trip to the V-Twin show this past weekend with some friends and saw
some pretty neat stuff. I'm not too much into the big customs, but did
really like this XR 1200. Looking forward to the Indy Dealer Expo in a few
weeks. It has been a great opportunity to scope out new products.

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Great for getting started

We still have 3 used cars in the shop that would be great for someone just
getting started. Priced to meet most budgets.

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