Sunday, December 18, 2011

Counting Down to Tulsa Shootout

We are a little more than a week away from it being time to load the cars into the trailer and head out to Tulsa for the Shoot-out. I am looking forward to going, but there is still a lot of work to be done to get our car ready. I am hoping to wind things down at work early this week in hopes of spending a full day to tie up all the loose ends.

Here is a photo of my car with the engine back in. Just a few short days ago it was spread across the shop floor in a hundred pieces. As noted earlier, mid season a gear disentigrated in my motor sending metal throughout. A special thanks goes out to Hud Horton for getting everything cleaned up and put back together.

Boomerang Cars - T.J. Heil and I are sharing a trailer for the Shootout this year. T.J.'s dad Phil has been busy putting a car together for him to run out at the Shootout. Both the car I am running and the car T.J. is running are boomerang cars -- meaning they came back to their original owners. The car I am running was mine three or four seasons ago before being sold to Ronnie French and Hud Horton. I wish I could have racked up the number of wins Hud did in it. They upgraded to a new FOZ G2 last season and we bought the chassis back. Since we didn't want to take a brand new car to Tulsa last year we put on new components on the chassis and prepared it for the Shootout. When we were forced to miss the Shootout and got behind on our plans for 2011, we just decided to run it for the season. The car T.J. will be running is also a boomerang car. It is the original car that he started in mini sprints with just a couple of years ago. When they decided to move to a G2 the chassis was sold. When they heard about the number of non winged races the MMSA had planned for 2012, they sought the car out and bought it back to build a non winged car.

Here the two cars sit in the shop being readied for the trip West.

Putting on the graphics - I've gotten to where I really enjoy putting the graphics on a race car. While I've mostly done stuff on my car, I have started to do some cars for customers. Here are a few shots of the scheme I am applying to T.J. Heil's car. I continue to place updated photos on the blog so you can see how it is coming along. While I've started to use wraps more and more, I am going old school on this one and actually using layers of vinyl.

Check back soon for more.